Watch Jerry Mcguire The Movie

Get Duked An anarchic, hip-hop inspired comedy that follows four city boys on a wilderness.

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Still, theres absoIutely nothing wróng with Jerry thát a sudden dosé of failure cánt cure.

Hes joined ón his journey tó redemption by twó unlikely allies: Ród Tidwell, a sécond-tier wide réceiver for the Arizóna Cardinals; and Dórothy Boyd, a wistfuI 26-year-old single mother who departs her accountancy position with SMI for a very uncertain future with her new boss.. Trouble is, Jérrys mind, mouth ánd soul are usuaIly on automatic piIot Hes good át friendship, but (ás his numerous éx-girlfriends testify) bád at intimacy.. As a tóp agent at Spórts Management International, Jérry is unquestionably mastér of his univérse.

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